Cedar Croft Consulting offers management consulting, turnaround, and restructuring services to the following industry sectors.
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Armored Car Transportation
- Automotive
- Tier II Suppliers and Parts Distributors
- Call Centers
- Customer Service
- Chemicals
- Construction and Engineering Services
- Consumer Products
- Sporting Goods, Seasonal Goods
- Facilities Management
- Food Manufacturing and Processing
- Dairy/Cheese, Meats, Chocolate
- Fulfillment Services
- Furniture and Woodworking Manufacturing
- High-Technology
- Manufacturing
- Money Processing Services
- Oil and Gas
- Packaging and Private Label Processing
- Personal Computers
- Pharmaceuticals
- Printing and Paper Distribution
- Retail
- Department Stores, Apparel, Footwear, Specialty Products
- Semiconductors
- Telecommunications
- Transportation and Logistics
- Warehousing
- Wholesale and Distribution